Cruise America and Predicting the Next 50 Years of RV Travel

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Since its founding in Mesa, Arizona, in 1972, Cruise America has seen exponential growth, thanks in no small part to its customers. The RV industry, though, also had a role to play and will surely impact Cruise America in the next five decades. What does the future hold for the RV industry in the next 50 years, and how will Cruise America adapt to the changing times? 

What Do the Next 50 Years of RV Travel Hold?

The past 50 years saw fantastic changes in the RV industry; here’s what we anticipate the future holds for RVs, Cruise America, and you!

More Energy-Efficient RVs: By Choice or By Law!

In summer 2022, California passed a law mandating that starting in 2035, no new gas-powered passenger cars will be sold in the state. While RVs aren’t yet subject to these more stringent regulations, RV manufacturers will definitely be feeling the pressure to voluntarily comply with climate-friendly policies as they become even more widespread. 

Keep in mind that this only applies to NEW vehicles. This means that even when electric vehicle regulations like California’s DO apply to RVs, you’ll still likely be able to buy a pre-owned gas-powered RV from Cruise America for the foreseeable future. 

However, the RV industry may evolve in terms of energy efficiency, and however it may be that customer preferences may change in that regard, you can count on Cruise America being prepared for any eventuality. Big changes are afoot in the world of RVs, and we’ve made it our mission to anticipate and grow alongside the industry! 

Travel Trailer Popularity Set to Take Off

One trend that has grown in recent years, and is set to continue, is the popularity of travel trailers. Many RV road travelers are discovering the joys of the freedom that accompanies traveling with a travel trailer; you don’t need to rent a huge, lumbering vehicle with fairly limited parking options when you can hitch a travel trailer up to your own truck or SUV!

We saw this coming and led to the offering of the Adventure Travel Trailer as a rental option. Sooner or later, you’re bound to want to give the Adventure Travel Trailer a try, so why don’t you see what it is and what it’s all about?

Campsite Availability Will Shrink

RV travelers already know how hard it can be to secure an RV campsite at some of the more popular RV parks across the US and Canada, right? As the popularity of RV travel continues to grow over the coming decades (which is a welcome development), it naturally follows that even more people will be looking for places to stay — meaning things will become even more difficult!

Cruise America can do little more than help you find the best RV parks to stay at across North America…and nothing will change about our commitment to helping you find the perfect RV campgrounds wherever you choose to travel to in your Cruise America RV rental! 

Living Full Time in an RV Will Grow!

The COVID-19 pandemic, by necessity, led to a whole new world of working from home. And, these days, many people associate working from home not only with working from a house…but also from an RV! As the supply of new houses continues to be limited, you can expect even more people to discover the joys of living full-time in an RV instead. The American Dream is no longer limited to a fixed address; it now includes living and working wherever you want to go.

Given the choice, would you rather work from a campground near a river or a calm lake, or in an office cubicle — or even a dimly-lit home office? That’s just a rhetorical question; of course, you want to be working out in nature! You can count on more people choosing to live full-time in an RV and work from wherever the road has taken them this week or month. Luckily for them, Cruise America will continue to offer pre-owned RVs for sale that they can live in, as well as advice for the RV lifestyle!

RVs Will Become Even Homier

What does more people living full-time in an RV mean? It likely means that RVs in the future will not only be energy-efficient but also be homier. As more and more people come to rely on RVs as their main residence, they’re not going to want to feel like they’re roughing it. No, they’re going to want to feel at home — and will want to feel comfortable having visitors over, wherever in North America they find themselves. You can count on RVs in the future being more luxurious, more comfortable, and…well, probably more expensive!

Of course, you can get around that last one by going with a pre-owned RV from Cruise America instead!

Stick With Cruise To See What the Next 50 Years Will Bring!

The future of RV travel is bright, and Cruise America plans on shining right along with stick with us! For the past 50 years, Cruise America has become a powerhouse in the RV rental and selling industry; in the next 50 years, you can expect Cruise will do whatever it takes to stay at the top! And, how will we stay there? With the love and support of RV travelers like you!